Sunday, July 24, 2011

I Sense a Blog post coming...

This is what Jason said to me last weekend as we worked away on the nursery. He's very intuitive. The crib and the mattress arrived as well as some prints and frames we ordered so we got a lot of the space together. It was still a bit messy last Sunday so I waited until I had done some final clean up to do the photo shoot. We still need to change out the light fixture and hang a shelf in the closet but I think we're in very good shape overall.
This will be diaper changing central. We painted an old bookshelf we were planning to donate to the Salvation Army and bought some fun canvas bins. (Martha Stewart Collection at Home Depot.) We'll store her diapers and covers in the bins along with sheets, burp clothes and receiving blankets. At least that's how i envision it now.
Jason bought this print for me on Etsy. It's called "Mister Numbers" the artist is sugarfresh. I love that the numbers have mustaches.
The prints over the crib we ordered from The Animal Print Shop. Sharon Montrose is the artist.

I love these little farm animals. Even though our baby will be a city girl, I don't want her to grow up with out at least a little bit of country in her. This way she can study up before she visits Grandpa on the farm.


  1. Looking good. :-)

  2. It looks awesome. We can't wait to see it in person!

  3. it's beautiful chach. now we just need an updated mommy pic posted! ;)
