Monday, May 14, 2012

A Little Soft Shoe Number

Maura loves to play in what we call her "time machine".  (Thanks Graham for sending it our way!)  One of her favorite parts is playing music, specifically the William Tell Overture, and dancing along.  Here I've caught her practicing her latest tap routine.

What generally happens is once she starts the William Tell music, she turns to Jason or me with an expectant smile and waits for us to start singing and dancing along.  She may have a future as DJ Jazzy M.


  1. keep on rockin the free world little one! xxoo

  2. Pretty cute! The music genes continue to live on!

  3. Omg, this is my new favorite post. Miss maura can "shuffle off to buffalo" w thr best of them! :)

    1. We'll have to get out our tap shoes the next time she visits and show her some of our old routines.
