Sunday, September 25, 2011

Filling Out the Wrinkles

chubby fingers

It's been said that people would rather clothe than feed Tourtellotte children.  I like to think that's because of our fine fashion sense from a young age but it's more likely the perception that the former is a cheaper endeavor than the latter. 
Maura has had a very good appetite from the beginning so we shouldn't have been surprised when she got weighed last Tuesday at age 8 days and she had gained 12 ounces since she left the hospital.  Yes, that's 2 ounces a day, and in general a growth of 1/2-1 ounce a day would be considered adequate for someone her age.  It's good to know that even when she spits up and requires 6 outfit changes in an hour that she's keeping the bulk of the food down.
chubby toes


  1. I just want to kiss those little fingers and toes! I was once told that long toes are a sign of wisdom, if that hold true then she will be VERY wise.

  2. the million dollar question pertaining to wisdom: are there signs of bunions yet??? :)

  3. I think we have a facination with little toes because they never stay little long in this group/ love them and yes I want to nibble on them
